Wednesday, April 21, 2010

February in Pictures

Look at that face! Easton seemed to really turn the corner in February. He started sitting up really well, learned to crawl and even started pulling up on things this month. With all these developments came lots of smiles, giggles and for the most part a much happier baby! He even started sleeping better too. We were so grateful for these changes!

Our little Valentine! The month of February brought about some changes for Miss Emma Kate too...we said GOODBYE to diapers and HELLO to big girl panties! She still wears pullups at night, but panties all day. We are still having a few issues with accidents at random times throughout the day but it's usually just when she's busy playing or when she waits until it's too late. We were so proud of our big girl!

She LOVES her brother!

And he's constantly trying to get away from her! Bless his heart, he will have some major paying back to do when he gets a little bigger!

A butterfly and a frog :)

The weather this winter didn't allow for much playtime outside so the first somewhat pretty day we had we headed to the park (along with just about everyone else in town it seemed like!) for a picnic and some sunshine.

Emma Kate and her sweet friends Colin and Katie Lynn! I taught Kindergarten with C and KL's moms at Cooper North. First came KL, two weeks later C, and then two weeks after that came EK! It was so much fun seeing how much they've changed since the last time we all go together.

AND they've all added a sibling since! It was a little late for Colin's sis Cambrie so she didn't make the picture...maybe next time. Isn't hilarious that not ONE of them are looking at the camera. I snapped a ton of pictures and this was the best one I got!

Such good little mommies. :)

Sharing a hotdog with her good friend Keadryn! These two are quite the pair...they have pretty similar personalities so there's never a dull moment when they're together. Keadryn and her sis Selah come up in conversation just about everyday!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I've Got A LOT...

of catching up to do!! I'm not really sure why I took such a long break from blogging. For some reason the task just seemed too daunting, but I'm back none the less (thanks to a little encouragement from Georgia!) The Lord is really working in our lives and growing us and stretching us in ways we never imagined. And EK and E are changing like crazy as well! I'm going to try and catch up just a little at a time so it's not so overwhelming, so bear with me...and hold me accountable to it! :)

The year started off with lots of family time. We were able to see my uncle that lives in Georgia and his wife and little girl, Gracie. Emma Kate was pretty much smitten...she didn't quite know what to think at first but she quickly warmed up and wanted to do everything Gracie was doing. They were like 2 peas in a pod! :)

We also got to visit Brice's cousin Robin, her husband Chris and their sweet new baby (who's not so new anymore!) Fletcher. He was absolutely precious and made Easton look huge!! How quickly it is to forget the time when their so tiny!

A few weeks later Brice's other cousin Ashley came to town with her crew - Austin (3), Clayton
(2), and Audrey (6 mo.) it was quite the zoo, but EK and E loved playing with their "cousins"!

Easton's face cracks me up in this picture!

And with the new age of 2 we've also gotten to experience a newfound level of meltdowns. Proof that my child isn't always so adorable:

Haha, this just happened to be at my first attempt of taking BOTH kids to the doctor by myself! Unfortunately we were quite regulars at the dr's office during the month of January (and February and March for that matter), but I assure you, after this day I made it a point to schedule the appointments when I didn't have to go alone! :)