- He is an extremely cuddly baby and LOVES to be held, his favorite place to be is snuggled up in your arms with his paci. (just the opposite of his big sister at this age...she didn't like to be rocked at all, anytime she was fussy all she wanted was the swing!)
- Although he prefers to be held, he is starting to be a lot more content in the bouncer, swing or the activity mat.
- His tummy issues are starting to subside as well, praise the Lord! He started going to the bathroom on his own a couple of weeks ago and now he goes every day or at least every other day. This is such a relief to us...I never thought I would be so consumed with poo! haha :)
- He started really smiling about a week and a half ago. And let me just tell you, one big smile will make up for lots of fussiness!! Every time he smiles it just melts my heart! He has also started cooing and it is so sweet.
- We go to the doctor this afternoon so I don't know exactly how much he weighs, but I'm guessing a lot....he is SO chunky!! He is already outgrowing 3 month clothing, and he could probably wear size 2 diapers, but we have a whole box of 1-2's that we're trying to get rid of first.
Also, thanks for all the advice with Emma Kate. We have started letting her go to sleep with her babies and stuffed animals and this seems to be helping. I think our next step will be to put the little things on the door knobs, hopefully it won't come to that because I know this will really make her upset!
I just love her to death and she brings so much joy to our lives. It truly breaks my heart to see her so resistant to authority and have to be disciplined so much throughout the day. I know that much of it is just her age right now (and I definitely know it could be much worse). God is revealing so many things to me through Emma Kate. As a parent I just want what is best for my children, and even though disciplining them is extremely hard, I know it's what is best. Jeremiah 32:41 says "I will rejoice in doing them good, and I will plant them in this land in faithfulness, with all my heart and all my soul." It's so comforting to know that God rejoices in doing good for his children, even though at times it means we have to endure discipline. Hebrews 12:11 also says, "For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it." It is my prayer that this discipline yields a peaceful fruit of righteousness in Emma Kate (and myself), and also that next time I am going through discipline that I will rejoice in knowing that God is merely trying to bring about a change in my life!
I think he's starting to look like Emma Kate...but handsome instead of beautiful. :)
Sounds like you are learning alot and growing in the Lord. Good to hear that you are still as excited about all the stuff the second baby does and learns.
Encouraging to hear you are leaning on the Lord and seeking to glorify Him in your childrearing.
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